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New Updates to Midway

26 Mar 2018

97 words • 1 mins

What’s new

Promotional tile for the new Midway

No longer just a prototype, Midway now includes a new look along with more information in the time box; it now displays information for the period end time as well as the name of the period. Furthermore, time boxes persist across tabs and can now be closed. In addition, marketing materials for Midway have been updated.

Here they are below: Midway v1.4.2 marketing slide 1 Midway v1.4.2 marketing slide 2 Midway v1.4.2 marketing slide 3

Summary of Changes

  • New redesigned look
  • Now displays the period info
  • Added ability to close time box
  • Time box location persists across tabs

Try the new Midway by downloading it from the Chrome Web Store.