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Midway reaches 100 users!

24 Oct 2019

243 words • 1 mins

Hockey stick graph showing exponential growth

After a plethora of hard work pitching Midway to teachers, Midway has finally reached 100 users. Originally beginning as a simple Chrome extension, Midway has become a sophisticated application, growing 1,590% to 4,496 lines of code.

The Midway Chrome extension with exactly 100 users

In light of this success, I would like to thank the people without whom Midway wouldn’t be possible. A special thanks goes to Ms. Giroux, the former Instructional Technology Coordinator, for meeting with me weekly to discuss next steps for Midway. From her, I’ve learned a lot from Google Docs shortcuts to including the benefits in marketing materials. I would like to thank Mr. Crisci, the Director of Instructional Technology and Innovation, for showing me intriguing educational tools and for obtaining Midway’s approval. I would also like to thank Mr. Basso, the Manager of Educational Technology, for helping me to release Midway for Scarsdale High School, including the numerous updates throughout the school year. In addition, I’d like to thank Mr. Vermes for helping me navigate the process of getting the school’s approval for releasing Midway. Moreover, I’d like to thank Mr. Leong for broadening my experience of Computer Science, and revealing how there’s more to love than just coding. I’d also like to thank the numerous early adopters for testing Midway and providing feedback throughout the process.

Midway has come a long way to achieve this feat, but of course, we are still midway in our journey, and I’m excited to see where it takes us.