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Punderline 31: When there are many cats...

25 Feb 2020

0 words • 1 mins

puns animals cats


Cover photo for Why life needs entrepreneurial thinking: How making goals is like starting a business

Why life needs entrepreneurial thinking: How making goals is like starting a business

I think that a lot of what entrepreneurs do is applicable to everyone. Our keen ability to find flaws in the status quo and then to take that initiative to spearhead a solution is something that we should apply to life itself and how we develop goals for ourselves.
Cover photo for What I learned from hacking Google Chrome

What I learned from hacking Google Chrome

I’m just a regular engineering student. I mean, sure, I like watching random educational youtube videos, using computers, and programming for fun, but I mean, hey, that’s why I’m in ECE. Yet, I’m not a hacker, nor do I have the skills to even remotely consider myself one. And even despite the plethora of reasons I should fail, I managed to do what I thought I could never do.
Cover photo for How I Got Started With Contributing to Firefox

How I Got Started With Contributing to Firefox

I admit, I used to think contributing to Firefox was basically impossible, especially as someone who didn’t yet know Rust or C++. And even if I overcame this hurdle, I thought it was hard to get set up, difficult to find bugs that are well-scoped to what I can actually accomplish given my skillset, and challenging to understand the complex codebases that would be typical of large software projects. But I wanted to help. And after hacking Google Chrome, I realized that maybe I could, or at least I could try.
Cover photo for Why you should build your own CSS framework and what I learned building one

Why you should build your own CSS framework and what I learned building one

With the rise in utility-first CSS libraries, I wanted to dive deeper into why that’s the case, and why we I think it’s valuable to re-invent the wheel.