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A Javascript Developer's Guide to Contributing to Firefox
Note that while I’ve done my best to make sure the content here is correct, there may be slight inaccuracies. At time of publishing, there isn’t much documentation on the inner workings of modules in Firefox, but I’m planning on sending in a patch to the official Firefox docs.

Towards Efficient Multiplication
Recently, I was trying to figure out a way to create my own arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic library. For those of you unaware, floating point simply means numbers are represented in scientific notation and that allows computers to express really large or really small numbers and everything in between. However, one problem of floating point numbers is that they are normally represented with a limited amount of precision.

How I optimized my fractal viewer and the things I learned along the way
From learning WebAssembly to eliminating unnecessary work with period checking to progressive refinement, this is how I made my fractal viewer faster and more usable.

Why life needs entrepreneurial thinking: How making goals is like starting a business
I think that a lot of what entrepreneurs do is applicable to everyone. Our keen ability to find flaws in the status quo and then to take that initiative to spearhead a solution is something that we should apply to life itself and how we develop goals for ourselves.