
Contributing to Firefox
I’ve always wanted to contribute to Firefox as it’s an important part of my journey into learning about web development. I remember fondly of the first time I created my own program, opening it up in my browser and seeing my code run. Looking back, the stuff I wrote seems trivial, and is nowhere close to touching highly technical topics, but it was my launchpad into Computer Science, and one that’s likely to be a part of the journey for others. Especially given the near universality of browsers, it makes diving into programming on the web incredibly easy–no special software required and all the knowledge is easily accessible online.

Purpose Passwords are complicated, but they don’t have to be. With Polydice, you can generate secure passwords, with guaranteed entropy (randomness), ensuring that hackers can only crack your passwords with sheer power by brute force.

Algebraic fractals, like those of the Julia and the Mandelbrot Sets, are rich with interesting textures and designs. They are mathematical curiosities: out of such simple equations arises great complexity and beauty.

Purpose We all know that time flies — especially when procrastinating. What if there was a better way to maximize productivity?

Purpose Scoring systems can be complicated, especially when each teacher has their own custom way of grading. Gradetree makes it easy to calculate grades, no matter the system. On top of that, it can quickly calculate your GPA as well.

Purpose School schedules are confusing, especially with multiple lunch times and different versions on different days. What if there was a way to help both students and staff navigate the new schedule?